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Call for Abstracts

Abstracts related to one or more of the following themes are invited:

1) Development of advance orthopaedic / trauma nursing practice
2) Nursing Program / Health Educational Program in the community
3) Extended role of orthopaedic nurses
4) New innovation and future direction of orthopaedic / trauma nursing
5) Pain Management
6) Implementation of research findings

The presentation will be about 20 minutes in length in total, including for questions & answers.


Abstract Preparation

  • Abstracts are to be submitted in English in Microsoft Word and e-mail to the Conference Secretariat (Email: secretariat@aado.org)
  • Abstracts must be typed and should not be more than 250 words


Abstract Submission

  • Deadline of submission: August 20, 2006
  • If you do not receive acknowledgement within 7 days of your submitted abstract by e-mail, please call the Conference Secretariat for confirmation.
  • Submission of an abstract implies that the authors agree that the AADO can duplicate the abstract for distribution to the participants at the conference.
  • Completed abstract forms should be sent to the Conference Secretariat:

    Asian Association for Dynamic Osteosynthesis
    c/o Orthopaedic Learning Centre
    Prince of Wales Hospital

  • Notification of Acceptance of Abstract: August 31, 2006
  • Registration fees will be waived for participants whose papers are accepted for presentation.
  • For overseas successful participants, AADO will sponsor for hotel of 3 nights.


Abstracts Form

Download in DOC format Abstract Form - Microsoft Word format



© 2006 AADO All rights reserved. Contact Webmaster Last Updated - 11 Oct, 2006