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Trauma Series III – Lower Limbs Injury Workshop

25-26 November 2017

Orthopaedic Learning Centre, PWH, Shatin, N T

Lecture Handouts

Preview Lecture Handouts



  • To provide the basic knowledge in surgical management of lower limbs injury
  • To provide the opportunity to the participant in acquiring knowledge in skeletal traction
  • To increase the participants’ knowledge on Nursing management of patient with lower limbs injury
  • To refine the knowledge and skill on swelling control and care on external fixator



  • Nurses working in Orthopaedics-related areas or Operating Theatre


Workshop Information

  • Date:      25-26 November 2017 (Saturday and Sunday)
    Time:      09:00 – 16:30
    Venue:           Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics, North Wing, PWH


Course Coordinator

  • Mr. Ken Lee, WM, PWH
    Mr. Law Chi Keung, NO, UCH
    Ms. Chun Choi Ying, APN, YCH
    Ms. Chan Ka Wai, RN, PWH


Course Advisors

  • Dr. Ning TANG
    Ms. Joyce LAI 




  • Day 1: 6 CNE

  • Day 2: 6 CNE  



  • 2-day program registration
    Member (AADO) $1,000             Non-member $2,000

  • 1-day program registration
    Member (AADO) $750                Non-member $1,500

  • Application for workshop only is not applicable
  • Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable after application confirmed


Registration Deadline


Asian Association for Dynamic Osteosynthesis
c/o Orthopaedic Learning Centre
1/F Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics, North Wing
Prince of Wales Hospital

  • Successful applicants will be notified by email individually.





Program Rundown


Registration Form