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Trauma Series III – Lower Limbs Injury Workshop

25-26 November 2017


Lecture Handouts

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[ AADO Copyright Statement ]

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Lecture Session
1 X-ray Interpretation and Surgical Intervention of Femur Fracture Dr Chun Kit LAI
2 The Development of 3D Printing in Fracture Management Ms Joyce LAI
3 Pre and Post Operative Nursing Care for Patient with Femur Fracture Mr Lok Wing YUEN
4 Perioperative Nursing Care for Patients with Surgery of Femur Fracture Mr Chi Hoi HO
5 Smart Tips in skeletal traction Mr Kam YIP
6 X-Ray Interpretation and Surgical intervention of Tibia and Foot Fracture Dr Chi-yin TSO
7 Principle of Management: Soft tissue trauma in Lower Limbs Dr Raymond Wai-kit NG
8 Compartment syndrome: From prevention to management Ms Yee CHENG
9 Smart tips in perioperative preparation for external fixation Mr Siu-hei LOW
10 Physiotherapy Perspective: Post-operative Swelling Control in Lower Limbs Injury Ms Shuk-man Margaret CHAN


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