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AADO Scholarship 2008
A Report on OTA Annual Conference
Denver, Colorado , USA
16-18 October 2008

It is a report from Dr. Ramesh Sen, one of the successful applicants of AADO Scholarship 2008, who attended the OTA Annual Conference, USA, on 16-18 October 2008.

I had taken American airlines flight from Delhi to Denver via Chicago. Reached Denver on October 16th afternoon. Attended the session of Polytrauma Management. In the presentations I learnt the concepts in US regarding polytrauma care. I copuld perceive the difference from polytrauma care scenario in my country, where this level of facilities are available in select cities only.

In the evening participated in the OTA welcome reception. Got a chance to meet many orthopaedics stalwarts in US.


OTA Annual
Conference Venue


On 17th morning I attended the special session on Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures, which is area of my special interest. Got updated in the surgical techniques as well as outcome assessment made in these injuries. Then I joined a big gathering attending the session on Geriatric Fractures. I observed that the geriatric population which is of higher mean age then population in our country has peculiar problems which make the things more difficult.Then I spent next hour in visiting scientific stalls and learning about various instrumentation developed and being in use in US. At 11 a.m. attended Pelvis and Injury Prevention session. Before lunch I used the time to go through various poster exhibits, and I observed that as much as 25% of the posters were in Pelvi-acetabular Trauma Care. After lunch attended the session of Geriatric Acetabular Fractures. Enjoyed the discussion regarding Acetabular Fractures in the age group where in our practice in our country, we tend to treat these patients non-operatively. At 3.30 attended lecture by J Tracy Watson. It really gave a lot of insight into orthopaedics. In International reception in the evening met orthopaedic surgeons from different countries and befriended them and talked the level of orthopaedic trauma care.


Dr. Ramesh Sen (left) and
Other Participants


On 18th morning after breakfast participated in the case presentations on periprosthetic Fractures. With specific interest in the topic I could find many new facts about the management.Then at 8 a..m. I attended Symposium on Perioperative Infection. This was really good as I could find lot many factors which we can incorporate in our practice to reduce the incidence of infection in our setups.Then the session of femur management was conventional.after wards I attended case discussion. The subsequent session on Foot and ankle was quite good and educational for me.After lunch I had registered for Fixation Techniques of Proximal Tibia. I used the opportunity to learn the way it is done in US. I had good discussion on the topic with Dr Templeman who was conducting the skill session. John Border lecture was good eye opener on the issue of industry surgeon research nexus in our practice. Revealed many new facts.

Last session I attended was on Upper Limb Trauma. I still had time in between which I spent on learning from posters displayed there. Had some photographs for remembrance and left the venue.

Next afternoon I had flight back to Delhi again via Chicago.

I was happy to have attended the OTA meeting as it helped me to know the state of art surgery in US and the areas I can improve upon.

Dr. Ramesh Sen
November 2008



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