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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2018
Report from Dr S R KARTHICK

5 Nov – 28 Nov 2018


It is a report from Dr S R KARTHICK, one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on
5 Nov – 28 Nov 2018



Its gives me immense pleasure to write the final report at the end of this wonderful fellowship programme. After applying continuously for 2 years, I finally got mail from AADO secretariat regarding my selection in the August session 2018. Unfortunately due to some Immigration department issues it was postponed to November session.

At the outset, I would like to take the opportunity to thank my mentor Prof. Ramesh K Sen, Prof MS Dhillon, Dr. Sarvdeep S Dhatt and AADO Council members for recommending and selecting for this foreign trauma fellowship programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kowloon.
I reached Hong kong on 4th November (Sunday) as a first person of my batch .Unfortunately, I lost my wallet in the Delhi metro station just 3 hours before boarding for Hong kong flight. Thanks to my co fellow Dr Sidhu for helping me in the last minute with some Hong kong currencies in the Delhi airport itself. I took A22 bus (use free Wi- Fi in the bus) from Airport to Jordan station as suggested by previous AADO Fellows. Special thanks to Dr Rathore who was a previous month fellow for help me in settling down on first day in the Nurses hostel. Later I was accompanied by Dr Sidhu from Delhi and Dr Kasi from Andhra Pradesh. Then we proceed to nearby Chung king mansion in Tsim Sha Tsui to get a local 4G SIM card and for currency conversion (carry USD convert to HKD here).

Next day morning we met Prof WY Shen who gave us a brief overview of the hospital complex and the likely schedule of the fellowship programme for next 4 weeks. We had OTs on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and OPD on Wednesday. In the OT we are able to see many Geriatric hip fractures treated with Gamma nails, Supra patellar nailing for Tibial shaft fractures , Terrible triad elbow, Patella fractures, Cannulated Cancellous screw fixation for NOF# and ORIF for Ankle fractures. Dr Shen is an amazing teacher and in every case he emphasized the importance of preoperative planning like CT scan ankle for spiral injury of lower third tibial shaft fractures. He is down to earth person and clears all your doubts with ease. His cementing technique in hemiarthroplasty is a treat to watch. On every Wednesday after morning class in their department, we goes to OPD and there he show us the follow up of Geriatric Hip trauma, Revision Hip arthroplasty cases, Atypical femur fractures,etc. We got the opportunity to go through the power-point presentations on numerous orthopaedic trauma topics that Dr Shen had prepared for the visiting fellows like Impaction bone grafting for Acetabular revision cases, Syndesmotic injury malreduction detection, CCS fixation for NOF, etc.

Navigation Assisted fixation for Pelvic Acetabular fractures by Dr KB Lee and Dr Tim Chui is just amazing. Their 3 in 1 protocol (Pelvic Ext Fix + Pelvic Retroperitoneal packing and Arterial Embolization) for unstable patients with Pelvic injuries is something to learn and appreciate. We had a very good discussion with Prof Wilson Li regarding Shoulder and Knee Arthrosopy cases. In the nearby OTs we were able to watch Knee Arthroplasty, Hallux Valgus deformity correction cases.

During weekends we had ample time to visit Lantau Island, Discovery Bay, Victoria peak and Macau via longest sea Route Bridge. On the evening of weak days we roam around the streets of Hong kong, sky scraper, central station, temple street and Ladies market.

Overall experience in QEH, Hong Kong was good and a special thanks to Dr Shen, Dr Ivan IP and staff of QEH for making it memorable. I highly recommend this fellowship to the budding orthopaedic surgeons who want to sharpen their skills and to learn the useful practical tips that will definitely help them to do much better.








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