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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2013
Final Report from Dr Sanjay Parmar
14 October – 01 November 2013


It is a report from Dr Sanjay Parmar, one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on 14 October – 01 November 2013.



It is one of the most pleasurable experience of mine when I was at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hongkong & I am very thankfull for AADO for that.

Starting with him without him this fellowship would never be so amazing, that is DR W.Y.SHEN.

Let me frankly speaking, I had never seen person like him in my life, a marvalleous surgeon, great teacher with full of knowledge, so humble, friendly & above all so down to earth personality. I am really impressed with Dr Shen's powerfull preoperative planning with x-rays , to about fracture configuration-which method of fixation- which implant to be used-likely complication to upto patient positioning.

I am lucky enough to learn personally from Dr Shen about N/F #, basic plating & tbw principles, SI joint screw fixation,I/T #, humerus nailing, syndesmosis reduction & many more.

During my fellowship period I had seen verious trauma procedures like femur, si joint screw fixtion, lower/3rd I/a tibia with nailing, humerus, olecranon, patellae, I/T, l/e redius & many more & it was great exposure to some new things during this procedures.

I also thankfull to Dr Shen's very enthusiastic team members like Dr k b lee, Dr gary ip, Dr ivan ip & many more whom I do not know by name.

Staring from while I applying for fellowship to my visa & uitimately guide map on email how to reach QE hospital I am very thankfull to Ms Terry Leung for that. I am also thankfull to hostel other staff for their kind cooperation for making my stay comfortable.


In short the fellowship has expanded my understanding of various aspects of trauma & I am once again Heartly thanking you for AADO & DR W.Y.SHEN.

Dr Sanjay Parmar







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