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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2013
Final Report from Dr Sunil Lunagaria

26 Aug – 20 Sep 2013

It is a report from Dr Sunil Lunagaria , one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on 26 Aug – 20 Sep 2013.



It gives me immense sense of gratitude and happiness on successfully completing the Trauma Fellowship ratified by AADO at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong. At the outset I would like to convey my heartfelt greetings and thanks to AADO and its office bearers on giving me this opportunity to attend this highly academic and beneficial program.

I was really astonished to see the amount of Planning, Discussion, and Interaction in the Pre-Operative period with help of a lot of high tech instruments like Digital Viewer, all time availability of Electronic Patient Records Management and Operative procedure time management.

During my stay at QEH I was fortunate to gain exposure and knowledge of a wide array of Orthopaedic Cases like Trauma Surgeries involving Femur, Tibia, Hip, Knee, Ankle, and Elbow.



I had the privilege to work under an excellent Teacher and surgeon par excellence Dr Shen Wan Yiu. He was very enthusiastic in ensuring I got accustomed to the newer setup, individual attention to my learning procedure, taking personal care in teaching, supervising my learning and also personal care for my comfortable stay during the time I spent at QEH. Dr Shen demonstrated and teached me very important finer points in Nailing of Humeours, Gamma3 Nailing, Posterior Malleolar fracture fixation and Perprosthetic fixations and also teached how to achieve optimal post operative outcomes. His presentations in teaching sessions aimed towards the common errors and how to prevent them. Dr Shen also introduced me to whole new world of concepts in fixation of Peritronchantric region, Humerous and Span – Scan – Plan or peri articular fractures.Dr. shen has given me some useful guide for DHS fixation, tension band principal and above all I learned more about atypical femoral fracture after biphosphonate therapy.

During our Outdoor day we went through Dr. Shen’s presentation like, neck femur fixation, 10 tips for trochanteric fracture fixation,complication of gama nail, cementing procedure,olecranon ostotomy,intramedulary reaming. During our last week Dr. Shen had given some tips about screw diameter, implant design.

I am also thankful to Dr K B Lee who demonstrated me the Pelvic Acetabular Fracture Fixation   Utilising intra-operative CT Scans and other many trauma Surgeries. I am also thankful to Dr Ivan IP and Dr Gary Yip for their constant support and encouragement.

I got the opportunity to attend 21st AADO-OLC advanced trauma course on – pelvic-acetabulum fracture and AADO SYMPOSIUM 2013 on major trauma and Pelvic-acetabular Fracture  that was conducted during my fellowship programme. Dr N Tang’s guidance on cadaveric dissection was excellent .Presentations of Dr Shen and Dr KB Lee were very useful. I had privilege to learn some fine points from Dr. Gilbert, Dr.M.Rueger, and Dr. Tran during this symposium.



I would thank Ms Terry Leung for their support right from the beginning of application formalities to my arrival at QEH. They were really of immense help me in settling down in foreign atmosphere and I was made feel right at home.
Last but not least, a person  without whom my fellowship would not have completed, my dear friend Dr.Kinnar, he supported me in every manner, special thanks to Kinnar.
To summarize the overall experience, I gained a whole new set of skills, instructions, treatment protocols and knowledge which will go a long way in improving my care to the remote area of India where I practice. I highly recommend this course for more surgeons like me who are working in remote places.

Dr Sunil Lunagaria



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