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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2018
Report from Dr Sumit CHAWLA

9 Oct – 3 Nov 2018


It is a report from Dr Sumit CHAWLA, one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on
9 Oct – 3 Nov 2018



I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr Shen Wan Yiu, Dr Lee Kin Bong, the orthopedic team of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and AADO, for giving me such a wonderful opportunity.

My 4-week training in musculoskeletal trauma with the orthopedic department at Queen Elizabeth Hospital has been an academic feast. Under Dr Shen's mentorship, I not only learned the tips n tricks of the trade but also learned the rationale behind the treatment. One of the most important thing which I learned from Dr Shen is the evidence-based approach to treatment rather than following age-old custom treatment options. Dr Shen is very friendly, easily approachable for academic doubts, helpful since my first day in Hong Kong and his method of teaching just eches in the mind. From him, I also learned the importance of documentation and how it helps us evolve our methods over time.
Fellowship training module at QEH is well structured with ample time being given to operation theatre along with weekly Grand rounds where cases are discussed, and academic learning from the presentation.

Dr Lee explained us about pelvic fracture management protocol at the hospital, pelvic fracture fixation using the navigation, and the case series of pelvic fracture fixation done over the last decade. This helped me to understand how small changes in practice brings big results in the outcome.

I would like to thank Ms Natalie Chin, Secretary AADO for the support and patiently answering my endless queries. I’m  greatly thankful to the AADO for giving me this opportunity to work with the stalwarts of the orthopedic world, and for their monetary support. I wish to participate more actively in the future activities of the AADO. I would also like to thank my fellow colleagues Dr Khushwant Rathore and Dr Arun Kumar hulsoore with whom I could discuss the cases and their management protocol followed at their institutes. Lastly, I would also to thank the countless staff members both in the hospital and the hostel whom I encountered during my stay and found them very helpful and friendly. It was a great academic and cultural experience here in Hong Kong, I really enjoyed my short stay here and would have loved to work for a longer duration. It's adieu to Hong Kong till my next visit for academic extravaganza at this wonderful place.








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