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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2012
Final Report from Dr Pia Kareena V. Quiňones
13 August – 07 September 2012


It is a report from Dr Pia Kareena V. Quiňones, one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on 13 August – 07 September 2012



It is a privilege for me to have been accepted as trauma fellow in this institution. Indeed, the fellowship program structured by AADO helped me to update my knowledge on orthopedic trauma. I commend the trauma team of Queen Elizabeth Hospital; Hongkong headed by Dr. WY Shen for rendering ideal management to all of their patients starting off with the meticulous pre-operative planning and excellent execution intra operatively and post operatively. Dr. Shen always points out the importance of pre-op planning in every surgery.  We should evaluate the patient fully, know the fracture pattern then choose the right implant for the patient.
It was very clever for their team to have studied the behavior of atypical trochanteric fractures of which a ratio of its population is related to bisphosphonate therapy.  I admire the team for their diligence to meticulously identify the fracture patterns and attitude of this entity. The study had given me a different perspective on trochanteric fractures. When I go back to my home country, I would fully scrutinize the radiographs of trochanteric fractures since it might be an atypical fracture. 
Dr.Shen’s PowerPoint presentations are very concise, direct to the point and most of all very relevant and it has helped me a lot to open my mind to a lot of possibilities in fracture management. The presentations brim with tips and tricks on fracture management.
Indeed, the fellowship program was able to meet its objectives. During my stay, the program has provided each and everyone else the opportunity for exchange of ideas and experiences owing to the pre-operative discussions every 8 in the morning in ward C3. Through this program, I was exposed to a different clinical practice in orthopedic trauma. It has also provided me exposure to their health care system by which I fully admire due to the very organized system. And lastly, for the friendship I have gained during my stay in Hong Kong.

I would like to extend my gratitude to Ms Terry Leung because she had been very helpful and had exerted much effort to attend to my queries. Most importantly to the trauma team of QEH Dr. Shen, Dr. Ivan Ip, Dr. KB Lee and Dr. Gary Yip for being kind and friendly at the same time for being very good mentors.

Dr Pia Kareena V. Quiňones




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