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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2017
Report from Dr Prabhat Agrawal

April 29 – May 21, 2017


It is a report from Dr Prabhat Agrawal, one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on
April 29 – May 21, 2017



I had been selected for AADO Fellowship programme 24th April -21st May 2017.It was my first fellowship out of my country so I was bit nervous about the visa process and accommodation but thanks to Ms. Natalie Chin who had guided me in each and every step. I reached Hong Kong on 29th April because I had to appear for an interview in India. The day I reached, had to attend OLC course organised by AADO, 2 days programme, where I had been exposed to cadaveric workshop on Upper Limb Trauma.

The next morning, I had been to O.T. of Queen of Elizabeth hospital where I met Prof. Shen the mentor of AADO Fellow.  He has very dynamic personality. He welcomed me and handed over the necessary documents. We fellows had to attend O.T. on all working days except Wednesday. Before O.T. we usually meet Prof. Shen in his chamber where he shared his in depth knowledge on Trauma management. He has wonderful collection of case series on almost all type of fractures. We also were allowed to go through his power point presentation on a regular basis.

By coming here most of my doubts on trauma part were cleared after discussion with Prof. Shen. He never got bored of teaching to his fellows and whenever he got time out of his busy schedule he would call us to share his opinions and rationales. The simple tips and tricks he provided were very much helpful for me as a young surgeon. I loved the way he performed cemented THR in failed neck of femur cases and the way he has perfected the art of cementation.

I was very fortunate to be given the opportunity to work as Trauma Fellow at the Queen of Elizabeth Hospital under Prof. W.Y.Shen. All the doctors and staff members were very cooperative and made my stay and period of fellowship comfortable.
In the end I would like to mention that this city is a wonderful place to stay and is a perfect blend of the natural beauty and the advanced infrastructure.

Dr Prabhat Agrawal
All India Institute of Medical Sciences



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