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AADO Asian Fellowship Program
A Report from Dr. Vivek Trikha
22 October - 09 November 2007

It is a report from Dr. Vivek Trikha, a candidate in AADO Asian Fellowship Program, who had a visit to Hong Kong in 22 October to 09 November 2007.

I was awarded the AADO Asian Fellowship Program during the month of October-November 2007. This fellowship program is intended for training of the candidate to gain exposure and get acquainted with new ideas on dynamic osteosynthesis in orthopaedic trauma. I arrived on a bright Monday afternoon at the Hong Kong International Airport and was taken from the airport to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) at Kowloon, Hong Kong, where I met Dr. Edmund Wong. He took time off from his busy schedule and introduced me to the hospital setup and also to my accommodation which was arranged in side the hospital campus. He also briefed me regarding the schedule of my training period and the daily routine to be followed.

Next morning, I went to the hospital at 8 AM to the Orthopedics ward. I was welcomed there by my guide Dr. Shen W Y and introduced formally to the orthopaedic trauma team. Dr. Shen WY is the Incharge of the Orthopaedics Trauma Centre at the QEH and was my guide for this fellowship. He is an international authority on dynamic Osteosynthesis and has vast experience in managing different types of fractures especially with nails. The training programme started every morning at 8AM sharp. The day started with ward rounds which were very informative. I was impressed by the importance given by Dr. Shen in preoperative planning and the type of implant to be used in each case. After the rounds, Dr Shen in his inimitable style used to clear my doubts and also explain the expert’s method of performing and planning for difficult trauma surgeries. Dr. Shen with his experience discussed the problems which might occur and also explained how to come out of them. His experience in interlocking nails is amazing. He has solutions to all the problems faced by us during nailing of difficult fractures. The operation days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) were really hectic. Dr. Shen starts to operate by 9.30 AM and continues till late evening. I had the opportunity of seeing a variety of cases being performed. Most of the patients were geriatric patients with fractures of the hip and lower limbs being the commonest. Exposure to the latest nails and their proper use was the highlight of this training. The surgeries were performed in a very efficient manner and 6-7 cases were performed in one operation theatre everyday. I also saw a few revision arthroplasties and saw Dr. Shen at his best in them. I was deeply impressed with the preoperative planning and the efficient way of performing the surgeries and also the postoperative rehabilitation of the patients. Though my training period was for three weeks, I had the opportunity to be exposed to all sorts of trauma surgeries. The out patient services were on Wednesday and started at 9.00 AM after the rounds. The way Dr. Shen took care of the patients who were mostly elderly individuals in the OPD needs special mention. He has a very cordial and friendly way with his patients. I was able to see the follow-up of trauma cases and also replacements surgeries.

Apart from learning in the clinics and O.R, there was also a seminar presentation on Tuesday and Thursday. Academic meetings were conducted every Wednesday at 8 AM, wherein all the cases operated in the previous week were reviewed with relevant theoretical reviews of literature including clinical studies on the topic.

Besides the teaching in the hospital, I would like to place on record the great hospitality provided by Dr. Shen and his team. Within the first few days, we went for a gala dinner at one of the famous restaurants in Hong Kong. We had a sumptuous dinner and a great view of the Victoria Harbor along with its famous Lights and Sound Show. It was a very beautiful place, with great ambience. All the trauma group doctors were present and we had a nice time getting to know each other.

I was very fortunate to be given the opportunity to work as a Trauma Fellow at Queen Elizabeth Hospital under Dr. Shen. All the doctors and staff members were very co-operative during my training and making my stay and period of fellowship comfortable. I was able to see many cases and learn from my hosts. I was touched by the warm and generous hospitality given to me by all the colleagues at the QEH especially Dr. Shen. It was a wonderful and enriching experience both professionally and personally. Many thanks to Dr. Shen and his family, Dr. Edmund Wong, Dr. KB Lee, and other colleagues in Trauma Group for their warm hospitality.

I would also like to thank AADO for having this fellowship and for giving me this opportunity to learn. I returned from Hong Kong with fond memories, enriched experience and also many new friends. I sincerely feel that this fellowship shall be a privilege for young surgeons eager to learn the intricacies of dynamic osteosynthesis.

Dr. Vivek Trikha
November 2007



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