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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2014
Final Report from Dr Nitesh Gahlot

03-21 November 2014

It is a report from Dr Nitesh Gahlot, one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on 03-21 November  2014.


Well, I am now at the end of the AADO Asian Fellowship Program at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong; and looking back at the whole time I spent here the words that come to my mind are: refreshingly delightful and remarkably enlightening experience. During the past one month I have learned a lot from Dr. Shen and his team, not just how to operate but also the importance of meticulous preoperative planning, attention to minute details, the postoperative management and a thorough follow-up in OPD to achieve the best outcomes. Dr. Shen makes extra effort to teach his students and fellows, despite his busy schedule, a habit which we all should cultivate in ourselves to maintain the flow of knowledge.

During my operation theatre hours, I learned newer approaches and methodology to fix the articular fractures and diaphyseal fractures; so many minute important tricks that are not even mentioned in standard textbooks and forgetting are bound to deteriorate your surgical outcome. The Out-patient care is pretty neat and all the follow-ups are personally seen by Dr. Shen after review by his team ensuring the best of treatment to the patient. The presentations of Dr. Shen are simply marvelous, a knowledge pool. The “Span-scan-plan” principle, a brainchild of Dr. Shen, is a very unique and effective way of treating the articular and periarticular fractures. In a nutshell, this fellowship is a must for young surgeons who want to learn orthopaedics trauma management.

Other than the hospital, my stay in Hong Kong was pretty delightful, thanks to the helping staff at the hostel and Mrs Leung. I must admit that the company of my two delightful seniors and co-fellows, Dr. Bhavuk Garg and Dr. Arvind, made this a memorable trip. My month long stay here has helped me grow both professionally and personally.

Lastly, words of gratitude are a must for my mentors, Prof. Raj Bahadur, Prof. MS Dhillon and Dr. Sarvdeep S Dhatt and Dr. Devendra for promoting and encouraging me.

I am very grateful to Dr. Shen and AADO for selecting me for this fellowship and giving a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Thanking you



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