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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2017
Report from Dr Nishint Gupta

21 Aug - 17 Sep 2017


It is a report from Dr Nishint Gupta, one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on
21 Aug - 17 Sep 2017



It was a great honor to get the opportunity to pursue fellowship in trauma in Queen Elizabeth Hospital under Dr WY Shen. The AADO staffs coordination through mail regarding the documentation for visa and other useful information was wonderful and very much appreciable. The information of the other fellows was also provided, which helped me a lot to prepare for the trip.

I arrived Hong Kong on 27th ( Sunday) and was able to reach the hospital quite comfortably as per the directions provided; the N block hostel staff was very generous and showed me the room. The Monday morning we met Dr Shen and he introduced us to the OT .

Queen Elizabeth Hospital is a tertiary care hospital and is a very proficient establishment. The Orthopaedic department in the hospital deals with all kind of orthopaedic problems and perform all kinds of orthopaedic surgeries like trauma,foot and ankle,arthroplasty and scopy.The operation theatres are well designed and managed and use the latest technology. The whole faculty and the residents of the department were very welcoming and interacted with us in the OT and discussed the plan of treatment and surgical techniques.

Dr Shen taught us salient points in humerus nailing, gamma nailing,periprosthetic fractures,periarticular fractures,hemiarthroplasty etc and basic concepts of fracture fixations , willingly discussed the surgical planning, procedure details and rationales through his presentations and during the surgeries.Dr Shen Wan Yiu is a very humble person and he has immense knowledge of the subject and vast experience. He is very innovative and versatile in his approach of fracture treatment. I was very much impressed by his deep analysis of fracture fixation techniques and the way of answering all the queries with proper examples.I would like to extend my gratitude for his efficient teaching, constant supervision and care that he showed to us during the training period.

I would like to thank Dr. K.B.Lee,who taught us about the navigation to treat the pelvic fractures and performed wonderful surgeries and discussed every detail of the surgeries .The regular departmental meetings and case discussions headed by Dr Wilson were very informative and centered on meticulous preoperative planning and its execution. I would like to thanks Dr Wilson for sharing his vast experience with us.

Hongkong is a awesome place to visit with lots of tremendously architectured sky scrapers surrounding the city and lots of good places to visit.

I would like to thank AADO for providing me this opportunity to learn from Dr Shen and his colleagues.

Dr Nishint Gupta
City Hospital and Research Centre ,Jabalpur M.P.




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