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AADO Asian Fellowship Program
A Report from Dr. Suman Kumar Nag
02 - 28 June 2008

It is a report from Dr. Suman Kumar Nag, a candidate in AADO Asian Fellowship Program, who had a visit to Hong Kong on 02 - 28 June 2008.

The experience of a month at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong will be a life time memorable event for me. I am really impressed with the quality of health care is being provided to the patients here. The efficiency of the medical and paramedical staffs is extremely admirable. I would also like to appreciate the high end medical facilities available here, the electronic patient record and operation theatre list system, which are making the working environment easy and more enjoyable.

The surgical skill possess by the trauma team is a rarity. They have got a very organized way of approach to trauma patients. Their dedication reflects at every step of patient care, from proper preoperative evaluation & plan, meticulous operative procedure, and optimum follow up. The surgical procedure performed here are really skillful and innovative, some of them are even beyond my wildest imagination. The efficiency of trauma team in managing the geriatric fractures is remarkable and is obviously reflected by constant achievement of ‘outstanding team’ award for geriatric fracture management.

The course director Dr W. Y. Shen is a nice human being, perfect orthopaedic surgeon and an ideal mentor. He has got an incredible smell to understand the nature’s hardest enigma ‘the fracture healing’. During my fellowship period I could learn a lot of new things and skills from him which would definitely help to enrich my future orthopaedic career. I would really like to show my gratitude towards him for his constant supervision, interest to teach and caring attitude towards me. I have also learned many a things from the other members of the team. I would especially like to thank Dr K. B. Lee and Dr Edmund Wong for their constant supervision through out this period. I would also like to thank Dr Wong, Dr Ivan, Dr Edmund Yau, and Dr P.T. Chan for their constant support and helping nature. Because of the friendly environment I have never felt myself away from my own country. Lastly I would like thank the Stryker group for their support to organize the programme.

I didn’t find many obvious drawbacks of this fellowship programme. The centre is an excellent platform to learn about geriatric fractures but lacks cases of high energy trauma. But again that reflects the high civic sense of the local people and organized traffic system of the city. The aspect I would like to emphasize more is to make it a proper fellowship programme rather than an observer ship. Because I think othopaedics is not ‘see and learn’ but ‘do and learn’. I would propose to arrange a temporary registration for the fellows to practice under supervision, so that fellows would be benefited up to their highest level of satisfaction and it would definitely make the AADO Trauma Fellowship more productive and lively.


Dr. Suman Kumar Nag
June 2008



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