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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2009
Final Report from Dr. Deepak Jain
17 Aug – 11 Sep 2009

It is a report from Dr. Deepak Jain, one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on 17 Aug – 11 Sep 2009.


As I look back upon the past month, I feel happy that I chose to come to Hong Kong and do this fellowship. This period has given me the opportunity to improve myself in many aspects related to Orthopaedics and patient care. Among the things I have learnt from Dr. Shen are his astute planning skills and his commitment that every patient must get the best possible result. The thought and effort he puts in treating each and every case and his keenness in improving upon his set of tricks and techniques is indeed inspiring. I have learnt many new techniques and practical tips in managing fractures common in my region including geriatric hip fractures, fractures of distal tibia, distal humerus, damage control surgery and minimally invasive osteosynthesis. I also learnt the value of good record keeping as a tool to learn from our mistakes. Besides this, I have interacted with the Sports team here and improved my skills in shoulder arthroscopy at the dry model workshop. I am also impressed by the equipment and the support provided for a public health care facility.
I would like to propose that the next fellows can prepare presentations of cases they treated – some which worked and some which failed, so that the discussion becomes more interactive and also act as training in record keeping.
And last but not the least I am overwhelmed by the hospitality of the people of Hong Kong who have welcomed me with open arms. I have enjoyed my stay to the full.
Thank you AADO.


Dr. Deepak Jain



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