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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2014
Final Report from Dr Bhavuk Garg

03-21 November 2014

It is a report from Dr Bhavuk Garg, one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on 03-21 November 2014.



I wish to thank you and Asian Association for Dynamic Osteosynthesis for granting me this AADO fellowship. I arrived at Hong Kong on 3rd November morning and it was quite comfortable to reach Queen Elizabeth Hospital, thanks to instructions provided by AADO office. The whole 3 weeks were really a high learning and interacting experience for me. This fellowship gave me a critical perspective to look at Orthopedic Trauma, which is quite different from the traditional teaching, which we are used to. 

This hospital as well as Dr. Shen and his team is highly dedicated to orthopedic trauma and is a right place to see, how effectively the trauma is managed with much less invasiveness. I was very fortunate to interact/ observe Dr. Shen, who is the senior most orthopedic surgeon there. I am very much impressed by his interest and efforts in teaching and analyzing every case critically. I am also highly impressed with his collection of patient’s photographs and clinical work; he has done over these years in the field of orthopedic trauma. It was also a matter of pleasant surprise for me to see this sort of documentation, which is still quite rare in our country.  His collection of power-point presentations is just awesome and was a sheer academic pleasure for me.

I could observe many cases like geriatric hip trauma, distal femoral fractures, Shaft femur fractures, Ankle fractures, Distal tibia fractures, Humeral fractures, patella fractures, elbow fractures, Total knee replacements, Arthroscopic surgeries etc. and learnt various surgical skills. All surgeons were kind as well as patient enough to explain us everything.
We also had several healthy interactive controversial case discussions on practical applications related to orthopedic limb injuries. It was very useful to know the subtle tips regarding optimal management of these patients, which are strangely not easily found in textbooks.

This visit was a learning experience for me as I was exposed to the orthopedic trauma in minute details. The experience gained at this visit would help me in delivering better patient care and research. I would also like to thank my co-fellows Dr. Arvind and Dr. Nitesh for giving me such a good company. I really enjoyed Hong Kong with them. I would like to thank again the AADO for this fellowship. Thanking you.


Dr Bhavuk Garg
Assistant Professor
Department of Orthopaedics





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