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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2012
Final Report from Dr Amit Kumar
26 November – 21 December 2012

It is a report from Dr Amit Kumar, one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on 26 November – 21 December 2012.

Experience as a clinical associate: the entire fellowship program is well planned. There are 4 operative and one ambulatory care day per week. on operative day we meet at 8.00 am and discuss the plan of cases to be operated on that day after which we go to operation theatre. The ambulatory care day is on Wednesday and on that day we meet at 9.00 am and discuss about the cases operated in last 2 days with emphasis on anything which went against the plan; after that we go to ambulatory care centre. Most of the patients we saw were geriatric hip fractures and some polytrauma cases. The discussions were rich and have really helped me understand few new things. Most of the things are given in books but I really felt the importance of pre-operative planning and postoperative discussion; otherwise we will never learn from our mistake.

Things Learned (New) for my practice: Management of Tri-malleolar Ankle injury, Cable Plating for peri-prosthetic fracture, Atypical femur fractures, X-ray features and management, Causes of peri-implant fracture after short Gama Nails, Evaluation of postoperative X-ray after Trochanteric fracture and its management

Special Feature: Bio-skill course in Lower Limb Trauma (Prince of Charles Hospital, H.K.) was holistic and helpful.

Accommodation and free time: as mentioned earlier, the entire program is well planned. The power point sent by AADO makes it so much easier to come here that you do not need to ask anyone about anything regarding how to reach your destination. When I reached the hostel (the place of our accommodation); although there was some language problem, the staff are so considerate, courteous and always trying their best to help you. We were free in the evening and the weekends. Hong Kong is a metropolitan city and there are many places to go. The metro rail (MTR) is the most convenient mode of transport connecting almost every place in the city. The instructions, name of a place and maps all are mentioned in 3 languages inside MTR as well as on the sign boards and English being 1 of those, you are free to go anywhere if you have a map; that was the first thing Dr. Shen told us. Hong Kong is a metropolitan city and there are many beautiful places; we went to some of them and I thank Dr. Rajesh for the all the effort.
I would like to suggest any fellow from India coming to this program in future to bring adequate eatables. The weather here is similar to India so no need to bring a lot of clothes as there is a washing machine, dryer and microwave available in the hostel. At the end I would like to thank Dr. Shen, Dr. Lee, Dr. Ivan and everybody else. It was a great learning experience, comfortable stay and some site seeing. I am sure the experience from this place will help me provide better care to my patients. I am especially thankful to Dr. Shen for putting so much effort to try and teach us as much as possible during the short stay despite his busy schedule as well as giving proper advice to make our stay and travel comfortable during the period of fellowship.

Dr. Amit Kumar



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