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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2014
Final Report from Dr Aravind Hampannavar

03-21 November  2014

It is a report from Dr Aravind Hampannavar, one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on 03-21 November  2014.


It gives me immense pleasure to write down this report. Firstly, I would like to thank AADO for providing me this opportunity to visit Queen Elizabeth hospital as a clinical fellow in the department of orthopaedics for four weeks.

I arrived at Hongkong on 3rd nov and very comfortably reached our accommodation as per the instructions provided to help us travel. After completing the formalities we met our supervisor Dr.W.Y.Shen, with brief introduction, we were informed about the functioning of the orthopedics and trauma team and its working schedules.

As the days progressed, we were exposed to all kind of trauma cases which included  geriatric hip fractures, acetabular fractures,  intertochanteric  fractures, supracondylar femur fractures, ankle fractures. Upper limb fractures like olecranon, distal humeral fractures were also operated upon. Dr Shen was always there to help us out and clarify our doubts, his enthusiasm to teach us really impressed me. He also taught us the surgical tips and tricks in managing fractures through his powerpoint presentations. I was extremely glad to witness the intertrochanteric fractures being managed using  gamma nails with minimal soft tissue handling and accurate precision in a very short operating time. I had the opportunity to see suprapatellar nailng of tibia and also learned some different perspectives in managing ankle fractures and atypical femoral fractures. We were able to witness total hip replacement, arthroscopic surgeries as well during this period. The morning discussions about the cases, the preoperative planning and postoperative analysis of cases was very thought provoking and helped me in better understanding of patient care.

At the end of these four weeks, I am extremely happy to have come here. The training has definitely helped me improve and refine my surgical skills. It also has has made me aware of the different perspectives a fracture can be managed. I also was very much impressed by the patient data and records management.
We also visited various sightseeing places in Hongkong during the weekends. Hongkong is a traveler friendly place and one can easily roam around without much hassles.

Finally, I would wish to thank Dr.Shen for all the help and efforts he took in making this training successful. I would also like to thank my co-fellows, Dr.Bhavuk and Dr.Nitesh for the company and for making this training funfilled.

Thanking you





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