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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2017
Report from Dr Anupam Das

April 24 – May 21, 2017


It is a report from Dr Anupam Das, one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on
April 24 – May 21, 2017



Firstly, I would like to thank the AADO team for selecting me as a clinical fellow in the field of orthopaedic trauma under the prestigious body.

I did not have any clue for the series of events that could take place subsequently when for the first time I got the selection mail from the AADO Secretariat.  The only thing which kept me moving on was the unuttered happiness for being selected as a fellow for the first time. There was a constant round the clock support from the coordinating team regarding VISA approval, invitation etc., the name of Miss Natalie deserved special mention in this connect.

The intervening period went fast with lots of excitement before arriving at the prestigious Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong on a Monday evening. The climate and aura of the place really kept me dumbstruck. The next morning, I could witness myself meeting with the legendary figure Prof Wen Yiu SHEN, my mentor in the AADO trauma fellowship course who was an institution in himself. The rest of the story was like seeing a mirage in the desert.

We used to have regular morning classes at his office, with extensive discussions regarding details of trauma and replacement cases which he had thoroughly kept a record of in the hospital. I was really impressed with his keen approach, thoughts, planning regarding management of each and every case looking at the intricate details. It was under his guidance when I started judging a specific case rationally and without getting biased. I got the opportunity of looking at different trauma, replacement as well as arthroscopy surgeries during my 4-week fellowship.

I gained enough regarding management of the poly-trauma patients especially the haemodynamically unstable ones from the expertise of Dr K B Lee and his team. The morning discussion and the afternoon meeting were really enthusiastic, where the residents could have a close conversation with the experts, clearing their doubts in an interactive manner. In the OPD days, we used to see the extensive PPT’s, which Dr SHEN was kind enough to allow us to read in his computer.

The whole Orthopaedic Department under Prof Wilson Lee had shown great hospitality to me as a fellow. I feel privileged to gain such a wide experience under guidance of Dr Shen, and would like to thanks AADO once again for providing me the opportunity.


Dr Anupam Das
All India Institute of Medical Sciences




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