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AADO Asian Fellowship Programme 2010
A Report from Dr. Aashish Chaudhry
03 May - 28 May 2010

It is a report from Dr. Aashish Chaudhry, one of the successful applicants of AADO Asian Fellowship Programme in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Hong Kong, who had a visit there on 03 May - 28 May 2010.


It gives me immense pleasure to write report of the Trauma Fellowship attended from 3rd May,2010 to 28th May, 2010 at Deptt. of O & T, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

To start with, the correspondence (related to the fellowship) from the AADO and HRD Deptt. of QEH, especially Mrs Kellan Cheung, was very efficient and they did their best to make our travel and stay as best as possible.

After completing the initial formalities on Day 1 (03/05/2010) of the fellowship, we were introduced to our Fellowship Director, Dr W Y Shen and his trauma team. Dr Shen briefed us on the department’s daily working and schedule of OTs and OPD. There were 4 OT days and one OPD day per week. During the fellowship period, we observed various types of Orthopaedic Trauma cases; including Gamma nailing/DHS in proximal femur fractures, periarticular fractures of proximal & distal tibia, femoral and tibial shaft nailing to name a few.

I am glad that I attended this fellowship program. It’s not that we haven’t done these cases back in India but the correct way to approach a case, importance of pre-operative planning and close post operative follow up, I have learnt from Dr Shen and his team. I have no words to express how much I have been benefited by Dr Shen’s presentations and daily discussions on various aspects of Orthopaedic Trauma. Dr Shen stressed on importance of respecting soft tissues and taught us techniques to get out of difficult situations. I have been very fortunate to work under such a wonderful surgeon and humble human being.

The morning meets and weekly discussions were very useful, where we exchanged experiences and learnt from each other. Other members of the Trauma team including Dr K B Lee, Dr Ivan, Dr Dian Tai, Dr Gary, Dr Edmund and last but not the least Dr Marcus were very helpful and I learnt many things from them as well.

I would like to thank AADO for providing me with this opportunity. I feel that AADO is one of the very well organized association and is committed to training and academic advancement of their members. I have all the praises for this fellowship and shall recommend everyone back home to try for the same. I shall utilize each and every bit of knowledge gained during the fellowship for improving my surgical skills back in India. I am sure this training will go a long way in improving patient care in my homeland.

I congratulate Dr Shen and his team for their excellent work and wish that their department scales newer heights in times to come.


Dr. Aashish Chaudhry
Senior Resident
Deptt. Of Orthopaedics
Sushruta Trauma Centre
New Delhi – 110054
Ph: +91-9818444333,9968667770



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