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AADO Scholarship 2021 to Orthopaedic Trauma Meetings
(for nurses members only)


Application for the AADO Scholarship 2021 (for nurses' member only) to orthopaedic trauma meetings is now open.Members with minimum TWO membership years are eligible for application. Attendance of the following meetings will be sponsored under this scholarship:


1. Singapore Trauma & Acute Care Conference (Virtual)

April 23-24, 2021


2. Virtual EFORT Congress 2021 – Vechybrid

June 30 - July 2, 2021


3. 9th FFN Global Congress 2021 (Virtual)

September 28-30, 2021

Scholarship application is also opened for other meetings held at May – December 2021. Members are required to submit relevant information for approval.

Successful applicants will receive not more than USD $500 to subsidize their registration fees



  • Application deadline: 7 May 2021 (HK Local Time - 17:00)
  • Please send the enclosed application form by email to: secretariat@aado.org
  • Submitted applications will be acknowledged, please contact the secretariat by email if you do not receive the acknowledgment in 5 working days.
  • Applications will be selected basing on
    • membership year
    • working experience
    • contribution to the Association
  • Successful applications will be announced on this website on12 May 2021
  • Successful applicants will be notified individually.