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Workshop on Prevention of Surgical Site Infection
31 May 2015

Orthopaedic Learning Centre, PWH, Shatin, N T

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  • To provide the basic knowledge on preventive measure of surgical site infection
  • To increase the participants' knowledge on nursing management for prevention of surgical site infection both in ward and operating theatre setting
  • To provide an opportunity for practical experience and understanding of the skill on the preventive measure to surgical site infection through demonstrations and hands-on workshops
  • To provide an update in the management of the patient with surgical site infection



  • All nurses work in O.T., O & T and surgery related areas
  • Priority will be given to member of AADO & Staff of the Orthopaedic & Traumatology Unit or Orthopaedic Team in Operating Theatre



Workshop Information

  • CNE Contact Hours
    • 5 CNE



  • AADO Member HK$500
  • Non-member HK$1,000
  • Tea and Lunch included
  • Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable after application confirmed
  • Cheque should be made payable to "Asian Association for Dynamic Osteosynthesis"



  • Ms Kam-sau CHAN
  • Ms Gloria C S CHIU
  • Ms Wai-yu KWOK
  • Dr Wing-lim TSE
  • Mr Dave YEUNG



Course Coordinators

  • Ms Rebecca HO
  • Ms Carmen MOK
  • Ms Cindy TSANG



Application Deadline

  • Application Deadline:15 May 2015


Form of Payment :


1. Cheque

  Asian Association for Dynamic Osteosynthesis
c/o Orthopaedic Learning Centre
1/F LKSSC, North Wing, Prince of Wales Hospital
Shatin, N.T.
  Telephone: (852) 2632-3482
Fax : (852) 2647-7432
Email : secretariat@aado.org


2. Pay On-line by PayPal

  • Send the payment confirmation together with the registration form by email to : secretariat@aado.org
Registration Fee


  • Successful applicants will be announced on website www.AADO.org on 20 May 2015, and will be notified individually by email.



Programme rundown

Updated on 20 April 2015




Updated on 20 April 2015