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AADO / HKSSH Conjoint Scientific Meeting 2020

Upper Limb Trauma Series:
Upper Limb Trauma with Nerve Injury

15 May 2022 (Sunday)

Orthopaedic Learning Centre, PWH, Shatin, N T


Lecture Handouts

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[ AADO Copyright Statement ]

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Lecture Session
Surgical Management of Upper Limb Injury with Tendon Transfer Dr Jeffrey SC Koo
Neuroma and Phantom Pain Related to Upper Limb Injury Dr Margret Fok
Pre-and-post Operative Nursing Care to Clients with Upper Limb Nerve Injury Mr Arthur Szeto
Pre-and-post Operative Nursing Care Mr Wai Kin Ip
Inside Operation Theater: Care of Clients Who Undergo Upper Limb Nerve Repair Ms Karen Law
Anatomy, Etiology and Mechanisms of Traumatic Forearm Nerve Injuries Dr Edmund Yau
Motor and Sensory Rehabilitation After Upper Limb Nerve Injury Mr Tommy K Y Ng
Back to Community: Occupational Rehabilitation of Upper Limb Nerve Injury Ms Mavis Lee
External Fixation of Forearm

Dr Michelle Lee

Physical Examination: Motor & Sensory Function Related to Upper Limb Nerve Injury & USG Demonstration of Nerve Investigation Dr Edmund Yau


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