AADO Nurse Corner Back to Nurse

The 10th Orthopaedic Nursing Conference 2018

 13 October 2018



Call For Abstract

  • Abstract Submission Guideline
  • Abstract Submission Form


Download Area

  • Poster
  • Registration Form
  • Program Rundown

Sponsorship Invitation (to Sponsor)

  • Sponsorship Invitation
  • Reply Slip


Accommodation and Travel

For your personal comfort and convenience during your stays in Hong Kong, the Organizing Committee recommends the following designated hotels.

Hotel Information
Accommodation in Hong Kong:

<For more information>




Before 25 August 2018

After 25 August 2018


Member of AADO

HK$ 800

HK$ 1,000

Non-member of AADO









Please make the cheque payable to “Asian Association for Dynamic Osteosynthesis”
Cheque(s) and application form(s) send to the secretariat on or before 10 September 2018:

The Secretariat, AADO
C/o Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, LKS Specialist Clinics, North Wing, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin,  N.T.

Send the payment confirmation together with the registration form by email to: secretariat@aado.org


6 CNE Hours


Conference Theme

Orthopedic Nursing : from Novice to Expert


Conference Date and Venue


 13 October 2018


Kai Chong Tong

Postgraduate Education Centre

Prince of Wales Hospital

Shatin, N.T.



Call for Abstracts

  • Abstracts related to one or more of the following topics and themes are invited to present in the conference :

    1. Trauma
    2. Fragility Fracture Program
    3. Practice, Basic to Advance, Ward to Theatre
    4. Ways / Tools from Novice to Expert


    There will be 10 minutes in length in total including questions & answers.

    1. Abstract with the abstract submission form ( Use a NEW form for EACH abstract ) are to be submitted in English in Microsoft Word and send to the conference secretariat by e-mail to :



Abstract Layout

  1. Abstract Title
  2. Name(s) – List the authors and underline the presenting author.  Type the surname in full, followed by the given name.  Omit degrees and titles.
  3. Institution – Type the name of the institution, city and country. 
  4. Content – In 4 paragraphs of instruction, material & methods, results and conclusion. Must be typed and should not be more than 250 words.
  • Presentation in English


Abstract Submission

  • Abstracts can only be submitted in Oral Presentation
  • Submitted abstract will be acknowledged within 7 days, please contact Ms Charis Lau at Tel No : 3505 1654 or by email to : secretariat@aado.org if you do not receive the acknowledgment.
  • Submission of an abstract implies that the authors agree that the organizers can duplicate the abstract for distribution to the conference participants.
  • Abstract Submission Deadline : Aug 20, 2018


  • Notification of Acceptance of Abstract: Aug 30, 2018

