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Trauma Series IV - Cervical Spine Injury Workshop

13 October, 2019 ( Sunday )

Orthopaedic Learning Centre, PWH, Shatin, N T

Lecture Handouts

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[ AADO Copyright Statement ]

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Lecture Session

Dr Sheung-Wai LAW

Cervical spine anatomy and injuries
Investigations, diagnosis and treatments with cervical spine injuries
Ms Wing-luen Jon CHONG Sensory and motor charting of patients with cervical spine injuries

Ms Karen LAW

Positioning of patients undergoing cervical spinal surgery

Mr Chun-chuen CHEUNG

Spinal Orthotics and its applications: Cervical collar, SOMI brace, Halo jacket

Mr Ka-keung KWOK

Nursing Management of cervical spinal injuries with Halo traction

Dr Ming-yu CHIU

Demonstration of halo ring, halo traction and halo jacket application 

Demonstration and hands-on resuscitation for patient on halo jacket


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