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Trauma Series II -3D printing in Orthopaedic & Traumatology

27-28 February 2016

Orthopaedic Learning Centre, PWH, Shatin, N T

Lecture Handouts

Perview Here



  • To provide the basic knowledge on 3D printing in the healthcare system
  • To share the experience on apply of 3D printing in the healthcare system
  • To provide the opportunity to the participant to have the hands on experience on 3D printing



  • Nurses and Biomedical Engineering professionals


Workshop Information

  • Date:           27-28 February 2016 (Saturday and Sunday)
  • Time:            09:00– 17:00
  • Venue:         Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinic, North Wing,


Course Coordinator

  • Ms Joyce LAI, O.T., PWH
  • Ms Angela CHE, O.T., QEH


Course Advisors

  • Dr Ning Tang, Dept O&T, PWH
  • Mr Elvis Chui, Dept O&T, CUHK




  • Day 1: 6.5 CNE

  • Day 2: 6 CNE  



  • 2-day program registration
    Member (AADO) $1,000             Non-member $2,000

  • 1-day program registration
    Member (AADO) $750                Non-member $1,500

  • Application for workshop only is not applicable
  • Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable after application confirmed


Pay On-line by PayPal (Credit Card)

Send the payment confirmation together with the registration form by email to : secretariat@aado.org

Registration Fee
Paticipant Name


Registration Deadline

  • Registration will be closed on 19 February 2016
  • Please return all application form to Secretariat to

Asian Association for Dynamic Osteosynthesis
c/o Orthopaedic Learning Centre
1/F Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics, North Wing
Prince of Wales Hospital

  • Successful applicants will be notified by email individually.





Program Rundown


Registration Form